Friday, January 31, 2014

5 on Friday!

Linking up with April & friends for my favorite post of the week!

|| one ||
I think I pulled/strained/messed up some combination of muscles in my back yesterday at work. Radiating/shooting pains in my lower back have made for a very uncomfortable 12 hours. A long jacuzzi and ibuprofen have helped to dull the pain, but now the question is how long do I wait to go to the doctor? I can walk (not completely straight), and only get the shooting pains when I twist or bend. My next day off is Monday -- can it wait?

|| two ||
Long distance friendships suck.
Ever have one of those days/nights when you just want to lie in bed with tequila and yell about life? I had one of those days yesterday (the back issue didn't seem to help much...), and my best friend is in Puerto Rico! COME BACK. We need snuggles and college football replays on our iPhones repeatedly!

|| three ||
I have the best co-workers ever. I came back from my trip to an amazing cake from Buttercup Bakery in NYC! Needless to say, the girls and I have now eaten cake for lunch and dinner for the last few days. Birthday month doesn't end until 11:59 tonight, so I am owning all of those calories...

|| four ||
This cold weather is actually driving me crazy.
Groupon has me almost convinced to drop everything I'm doing and head somewhere warm and sunny!
I mean, for under $600? Take.Me.There.

|| five ||
I need a new mattress. More importantly, my brother needs a new mattress, which means that I get a new one by default. The one I've been sleeping on since I got my "big girl bed" is almost 30 years old. Let's also say that there is a little bit of bad karma that goes along with it (it's got quite the baggage from over the years). I'm officially convinced that my mattress is giving me bad karma (yes, I know I'm crazy).


Be sure to head over to April's blog and share whats happening on your Friday!

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